We were both 19

She had a nose ring

We both have other loves

Why can’t you move on from this thing

A thing that was

A thing that built into a mountain

A thing of the past

A thing some of my family is still bought in

Sold on a trash product

Trash bags for Christmas

We’re all a piece of shit

Isn’t it in all of us

Isn’t a bit of me all of you

What could we accomplish if we broke up

What could you be if I wasn’t all of you

Lips to a harmonica

Lips to a saxophone

It’s funny how such different arches

Describe all of one

How can I pull your dream about?

I tend to play out how we would be in a sense

I type random words

Because aren’t we all just usually talking in the past tense

I’m still spending my time a raging line


