Fuck you and
Explain to me.
Nodding out, why didn’t you
Take me?
And leave him here
Nothing can make you reappear
You’re still not here, so
Let these drugs take me away
I don’t give a fuck.
But I really care so much
I lost my brother
To fentanyl
You might not be here
But we’ll always be brothers
From the hospital
To ashes or a casket
You’re my brother
And I’ll always be yours
Sorry for not always being the best I can be
Or the best version of me
If such a version exists
You’re the one that brought it out of me
Fuck you.
But I love you too
I hate what you do
But I love the way you make me feel
A false sense of relief
I just want to disassociate
I just want to forget
What won’t be forgotten
Is the words you said
And the memories we shared
I love you my brother
We both knew this life wasn’t fair
My heart is broken
My heart has a gaping hole
Why couldn’t you have been spared?
We’ll be together soon.
I love you