He drank his bourbon
I drank my gin
We were both sad
Neither of us could win
Grief is among us
Grief is in the family
I wish we could all be happy
Not that I’m not
Or my dad isn’t
But we’re both sad
Losing a son or brother
Is life
For some
For many
Unfortunately for all the chosen ones
“What did we do wrong?”
Can’t we go back to eating shrooms and smoking bongs?
Things would just be so great if you weren’t gone
That’s on me to move on
Likewise it is for you
Will we ever truly?
Things can get pretty rough
For some reason, the author of my life’s story
Just can’t seem to get enough
It’s not my choice
But very much my own doing
The author of my story, and the devil
Must be screwing
I’m hoping
The rest of my life is a big climax
Or at least I’ve hit my story arc’s lowest lows
Only time will tell.