Brought to this planet by god
Given a name by whom laid eyes upon it
Your twists and your turns
Your hips and your curves
Give me something baby
Baby bring me to the ocean
The statue of liberty and the 4 Wynns
A bottle of Jack and something to win
We’re going out tonight
Out on the town!
Heartbreaks and losses
Cocaine lines and Jesus crosses
The lines blur
The vision fades
The world never stops
So I just sit and vape
Suit jackets and crumbs
A man who had potential is now a bum
The world isn’t fair
The world isn’t easy
It might even be flat..
Lived along it my whole life
Continue to see a future where that’s the case
Green mountains and blue skies
Even a cemetery where my body can lie
But let's not rush that
I’ve got a lot of life to live and I’m going to give it all to that
What was once blue
Now runs a murky brown
Nature and beauty
Replaced by grocery stores and towns
This is where I reside
A place in a state
A state in a country
We all inhabit the same world, yet so many go hungry
The start and stop
The beginning and the end
Just another place
Let’s enjoy this beautiful bend